Show Team
Our primary show season runs from May to September. We show locally throughout Washington state at a variety of Rated and Outreach level shows. Outreach shows offer beginner level classes through 3’ and accumulate points throughout the year to earn year-end awards. We attend Outreach shows through Lake Washington Saddle Club and Cascade Horse shows in Cle Elum. Riders ready for the rated divisions have options through both Cascade and WSHJA horse shows. Coaching is available every step of the way, from the warmup ring to reviewing your round after completion. We are a unique program in the show world that allows riders to be hands-on for horse care, grooming, and tacking at shows. Riders are responsible for walking, feeding, and grooming their own horse. We believe that the horse management outside of the ring is even more important than the results in the ring, and take pride in the responsible, hardworking riders we produce. While showing is not mandatory for any rider, all riders come away from shows with a better understanding of the next steps in their riding journey in order to advance to the next level. We show because we love horses and we love to see how we have improved over the span of a show season, and from season to season. Shows offer a platform upon which riders can demonstrate their advancement in skill. Our motto is “You are not showing against the other competitors, but showing against yourself and trying to improve upon your last ride.”
Interscholastic Equestrian Association (IEA Team)
IEA season runs from September to April, and riders show up to 5 show days per season, working to earn points to qualify for Regional Finals, where they can earn their way to Zone Finals for a chance at being the top rider to represent our Zone at National Finals. We have proudly brought riders all the way to National Finals the past two years. Even those who aren’t interested in the competitive side of IEA can enjoy riding unfamiliar horses to test their skills and advance their knowledge of the sport. IEA shows run Saturday and/or Sunday and riders compete in two classes per day. We travel together to away shows and always have a team dinner and make lots of fun memories together! It’s a great way to turn an individualized sport into a team-focused sport where riders can support and encourage each other while earning points for the team and as individuals. Glory Days IEA team is open to any rider in an approved huntseat program who takes lessons twice per week or more.